This series of lessons was written in hope that the Christian would establish a foundation
on which to grow in their relationship with the Living God. This foundation is presented
as the "Bedrock" and "Footings."
How to use this tool
It is wise to choose a solid foundation on which to build a house. Likewise, we start with 4 solid bedrocks of truth.
After that we lay the footings on which the house is built. To start using this tool, you can use the image below
by clicking on the bedrocks or footings. Or you can use the menu above to navigate to the lessons.
While we think the short Youtube presentations help clarify various points, we also
think the presenters generally agree with all the major essentials of the Historic
Biblical Doctrines of the Christian Faith. Obviously we can not necessarily affirm
all of the presenter's doctrines or views beyond the specific presentation they are
making here. If something questionable comes to our attention we will certainly review
it and edit as necessary. "In Essentials Unity, In Non Essentials Liberty, In all things
Charity." ~ Rupertus Meldenius